3rd Annual
Small Business Resource &
Financing Fair
Throughout the afternoon, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with organizations and financial institutions, all under one roof. These experts can assist you with everything from funding options to market research, business planning to networking, and so much more. Our goal is to provide you (the time-limited entrepreneur) with direct access to the people and resources crucial for your success.
Don’t miss out on our mini-workshops and panel discussions, each packed with valuable insights to help you navigate important aspects of your business journey. And check out our Consultants’ Cove for on-the-spot advice from a business consultant, mentor, or coach regarding various aspects of your business operations. Let’s continue to make Michigan the best place to start and grow a business!
60+ Support Organizations
We’re bringing you the resources you need to start or scale your business – all in one place. It’s like a job fair, but for businesses!
At this open-house-styled event, you can engage with over 40 business support organizations and 20+ financial institutions. These organizations can assist with funding options, market research, business planning, networking, sales and marketing, social media, business certifications, contracting opportunities, and energy assessments, and much more! Our goal is to help you (the time-limited entrepreneur) get direct access to the people you need to know to be successful.
3 Mini-Workshops
These fast-paced 30-minute mini-workshops will quickly get you up to speed on important areas for your business. No need to sign up to attend. Just pop into the workshop area at the designated time. Titles to come.
On-site Consultants
If you need to talk with someone regarding specific issues of your business, there will be a team of business consultants, mentors, and coaches available to provide you with expert advice. No appointment needed! Just come to the designed area, step up, and be next in line.
Free Business Resource Guide
All registered attendees will receive an electronic version of our 2025 Business Resource Guide. The guide will contain a brief description about each participating organization along with contact names, emails, phone numbers and website addresses. This is a must-have publication that will help you connect with the right person at the right agency. Why wait? Register now!
Premier Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsors:

Friend Sponsors:

Workshop Sponsor:

The Michigan Small Business Development Center is a statewide network funded in part through cooperative agreements with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Regional Hosts. The statewide host of the network is Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University. The Michigan SBDC is nationally accredited by the Association of SBDCs.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact sbdc@gvsu.edu or 616.331.7370 to make a request.