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Market Research

Market Research for Michigan Small Businesses.

With market research provided by the Michigan SBDC, you’ll get the information you need to make decisions that drive economic growth for your small business. Get to know your target audience, business market, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and more through market research services.

No-Cost Market Research That Pays Off

We offer no-cost secondary market research to help you better understand and reach your target audience. Knowing your target audience is a critical step for any business in order to reach the right customers and generate revenue. Sign your small Michigan business up for business consulting and request custom market research reports, such as:

Industry reports to assist your business planning
Demographics, consumer spending, and psychographic reports
Traffic counts to help select your business’ physical location
Competitor and potential business-to-business (B2B) client lists
Customized research based on your business needs
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) performance reports
Social Media Audits

SEO Specialization

Want to increase your business’ visibility on the web? Our team specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) reports. Understanding how to work with search engines is critical for your business’ success as it makes sure your customers can easily find you online.

Woman working on computer with patterned quilt behind her

SEO Reports & Online Resources

The Michigan SBDC team will audit your SEO performance and provide you with a complete SEO report so you can better understand how to improve your business’s visibility. From the SEO report, you’ll learn the following:

What to Expect from Market Research by the Michigan SBDC

After receiving your market research report, you’ll have access to valuable data such as industry trends, consumer behavior, market demand and competitor insights so you can make informed, data-driven decisions about your product, services or marketing strategies. By understanding your target audiences, your business can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty while mitigating risks.

Access market research services for your small business today!

Piper & Gold colorful sticky notes on a board