Small business cybersecurity is an important conversation, especially when we consider the types of data and information small businesses process and store. Despite these very real cyber concerns, cybersecurity is a real challenge for small businesses. With the vast varying types of small businesses, there is no one solution fits all when it comes to cybersecurity. This can be a challenge too for larger organizations, but they experience the challenges differently. So let’s discuss some of the top challenges a small business faces with cybersecurity and some key must haves and must do’s.
The top challenges
Small businesses run into several cybersecurity challenges pretty quickly. These challenges typically are little to no budget for cybersecurity, no expertise, and don’t know where to start.
- Lack of budget
- Lack of expertise
- Lack of help
These are all very real concerns that a small business may have when it comes to cybersecurity. Because of this, how can a small business who experiences one or more of these be able to protect their business from cyber threats?
How to start
One of the first things you can do is to identify what you do not know about cybersecurity and what you do know. I encourage every reader to take our Small Business Cybersecurity Learning Course to identify just that! The learning course will walk you through several small business owner personas while asking you questions on a variety of cybersecurity topics. At the end of the learning course, you will receive a score identifying your areas of knowledge!
Identify cybersecurity solutions
Next on your cybersecurity journey you should check out the many different resources available online for you. I encourage everyone to check out our Access Resources page, specifically our ‘Start Here’ section. This section has a cybersecurity tool list that identifies trustworthy solutions you can use. Some of the more popular tools like password managers, antivirus protection, and virtual private networks can be found here!
Reach out for assistance
Now it might be time to reach out for assistance. We can help get your cybersecurity thoughts organized and turn into a cybersecurity plan. We can help identify solutions to consider, whether they are writing cybersecurity business policies, cybersecurity tools to possibly deploy, or a connection to a managed service provider.
For more information on small business cybersecurity resources, check out Small Business, Big Threat!
Previously published on July 26, 2022. This version has updated links found in the article.