Anywhere DOT Exams

(217) 556-0447

The logistics, trucking and commercial driving industries are the backbone of the American economy. Its lifestyle is complex: truck drivers work long hours and often spend weeks or months away from home, but they also enjoy the freedom of the open road and the opportunity to see new places. One of the challenges in this job where time is literally money is keeping up with the regular physicals required by the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Veteran Don Cui, PA-C, saw an opportunity to meet this need by establishing Anywhere DOT Exams. His idea was simple, but brilliant: take the physical exam to the driver in a mobile medical clinic, thus minimizing lost driving time. Don converted an RV into a mobile medical exam office, and charted a course to build his small business.

Don knew there was a demand for his services, but wanted to ensure he had the business foundation in place so that it could grow and be successful. He also knew there was demand for his services, but was unsure of how to best market them. Don turned to the Michigan SBDC and connected with live workshops and webinars. He also connected with Business Consultant Joni Krolczyk, who assisted with business plan development, financials, customer prospecting and marketing. “Joni was fabulous, she was fantastic. She worked through every step of the journey with me. She has been present with me for the last four years,” said Don.

Anywhere DOT Exams continues to grow, sustaining 35% growth year-over-year since its inception four years ago. Don has been able to go full-time and now travels around Michigan to perform DOT exams in a bigger trailer to clients in truck terminals, bus garages, truck driving schools, road commission garages and other commercial properties. His plans to scale include adding an additional vehicle and staff.


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