Beware the Malspam

Late last week, 360 Threat Intelligence Center identified a recent malspam campaign in relation to the Boeing 737 Max tragedy involving Ethiopian Airlines. Malspam are spam email messages that contain malware, typically as an attached file or as a malicious link. The malspam emails contain an attachment that claims to expose other airlines and that this will happen soon. The attachment is actually a malicious file that will install the Houdini H-worm Remote Access Trojan and the Adwind information stealing Trojan.

A small business can help protect itself by notifying employees to expect spam and phishing attempts that will discuss any recent tragedy. Sometimes the email will ask for charitable donations or in this case, the message will claim it will expose an industry. The email will typically have a file to download or a link to click. Training and awareness reminders are crucial to protecting any small business from a malspam email.
