Your customers want you to protect their data

Building trust between you and your customers is important. You can build that trust by protecting their personal data that they have shared with your business.

A recent survey by Privitar, a data protection solutions provider, found that 42% of customers would not share their personal data with a business for any reason and 51% of customers said they are not comfortable with sharing their personal data with businesses.

Building trust with your customers

The Privitar survey reinforces the need to build trust between your small business and your customers. A previous Security Byte post from 2018 highlighted the importance of that trust. In that post we talked about how 21% of customers do not return after a data breach and how another 62% of customers will not return for at least a few months.

Building that trust

Trust is something that is earned over time and lost in moments.This holds true for trust between you and your customers. Because of this, it is important to make sure you are doing what you can to protect your customers data. This is started by understanding your risks, creating policies, and deploying the appropriate security measures.

Not one solution

With the variety of small businesses that exist, there is no one way to secure your small business, each security program is unique to each business, but there are some musts for all.

  1. Backup your business data
  2. Update your devices and software
  3. Utilize strong passwords and multifactor authentication
  4. Train & educate your employees
  5. Deploy appropriate cybersecurity measures (remember this is unique to each business)

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