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Our Small Business Blog

Small Business Blog

Having found your way to this blog, you’re probably wondering: Is this worth my time? Will I get anything useful out of this? Well, we think so. You will be gaining first-hand advice and content across a broad swath of topics from Michigan small business consultants with decades of experience working with early-stage and startup companies. If you have an issue, we’ve probably seen it. 

What to Expect from Us. We are here to educate, advise and provide small business help. Every month we will bring you articles about particular small business issues as well as commentary on a related contemporary business issue. All this will take the form of tips and advice, success/case studies, interviews, resources guides, etc.

What We Expect from You. This blog is intended to be a two-way street for the benefit of ALL small business owners, so be engaged. Provide us with feedback, comments and questions by emailing us at We want to know what we are doing well and what is killing you, what you want to learn more about and what your own experiences are.


26 billion records!

Over 26 billion records were recently exposed due to a firewall misconfiguration. Cybernews discovered...

You and your data

You and your data

Do you know the importance of you and your data online? What if I...

Data Privacy Week

Data Privacy Week 2024

Did you know January 21st through January 27th is Data Privacy Week 2024? Similar...


Brand reputation breach

Your small business is under a cyberattack, don’t also fall victim to the brand...


First of the year

Welcome to our first of the year Security Byte! It is great to be...


End of the year

Welcome to the end of the year Security Byte. Thanks for joining me as...


Happy holiday season

I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. December and January are...


Delivery phishing scams

As the holiday season is in full swing and gifts are getting delivered, don’t...


Merry Tax Season

Merry tax season to all and to all a good wait, that doesn’t sound...