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Michigan SBDC 2023 Annual Report

The Michigan SBDC is pleased to offer our support services to small businesses in all 83 counties of Michigan. Please join us in celebrating our clients and the impact of our team in this 2023 annual report.

2023 Impact

2023 Client Demographics

Who We Are

J.D. Collins, CEO | Executive Director, Michigan SBDC

From pixelated Zoom squares three years ago to handshakes and laughter today, our client success stories are a celebration of rekindled relationships, thriving small businesses and the joy of being back in the room where it happens.

It’s heartwarming to see our clients, consultants and partners together in person again – and our stories are just getting started.

In 2023 the Michigan SBDC:

  • Celebrated 40 years of supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Surpassed state and federal performance goals
  • Expanded DEI outreach programming from 4 to 46 counties across the state

We are grateful to our hosts, the MEDC and the SBA for their unwavering support. Together we enrich the entrepreneurial ecosystem, making Michigan the best place to start and grow small businesses.

Statewide Teams

Export Team

From identifying and entering new markets to loan packaging and strategic planning, our team of export specialists helps small businesses navigate the world of exporting.

Cybersecurity Team

Our cybersecurity team helps small businesses combat everyday cybersecurity threats through interactive courses, free downloadable resources and expert small business consulting.

Regional Center Teams

With 10 offices across the state, we provide entrepreneurs and small business owners with convenient access to no-cost consulting, training and support services.

Growth Team

Our Growth Team consultants consist of industry experts that service businesses interested in growing or transitioning.

Technology Team

Our Michigan SBDC Tech Team works with technology businesses throughout the state to bridge the gap between technology development and commercialization.

Introducing your Michigan SBDC 2023 State Star!

Growth Team Business Consultant Julie Oldham, CPA, CGMA, is highly esteemed by her peers and clients alike. With her expertise and commitment, Julie has played a pivotal role in helping numerous small businesses thrive and overcome challenges to achieve their growth objectives. She is a treasure, a consummate professional, the epitome of what all consultants should be and a true star in every sense of the word. 

“Julie became my mentor and advocate, and through time and hard work together we built a plan that spoke to financial institutions who were open to our project of building a brand new facility we all could enjoy: my family, the staff, the community. Working with Julie and the Michigan SBDC was a very good experience – I don’t think I could have done it all on my own,” said Lloyd Hildebrand, owner of Macomb Powersports.

Partners Supporting the Vision


“The Michigan SBDC continues to set the tone, by pushing the boundaries in our small business communities by providing exceptional services and finding ways to provide more to reach more. The SBA Michigan District Office is grateful to have them as a resource partner and invaluable collaborator.”Laketa Henderson, Michigan District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration


“The Michigan SBDC helps small businesses in our great state start, grow and thrive. I am grateful for their efforts to put small businesses first, and I will continue to work with them to build on our economic momentum to move Michigan forward by creating good-paying jobs in every community while lowering costs for families. Together, we will keep getting things done to build on our economic momentum and deliver on the priorities that make a real difference in people’s lives so anyone can ‘make it’ in Michigan.”Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan


“The Michigan SBDC continues to strengthen its impact in helping small businesses grow and prosper. Hosting the Lead Center at GVSU, as well as the West Michigan and Northwest Regions, creates a synergy between our purpose-driven organizations.”Diana Lawson, Ph.D., Dean of the Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University


“The Michigan SBDC is working alongside enterprising Michigan risk takers to create transformational opportunities for small businesses in communities across Michigan. The SBDC’s work is vital in helping more of our entrepreneurs realize their dreams and Make It In Michigan. Let’s get it!”Quentin L. Messer, Jr., CEO, Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)

Our Initiatives

Uplift Michigan

It’s more than a program. It’s a strategic approach designed to ensure equitable access for all diverse entrepreneurs across the state.

Value Builder™

Whether you want to sell your business now or decades into the future, your Value Builder score can help you determine strengths and weaknesses and determine next steps.

Focus Four™

Focus Four is a program designed to help small business owners grow their business faster, improve profitability, elevate themselves to a more strategic role and build more value in their companies. Key pillars include Vision, Strategy, Execution and Cash Flow.

Small Business Big Threat

Small Business Big Threat, our cybersecurity program, is a leading resource to increase awareness of cybersecurity threats and offer tools to strengthen cybersecurity plans and programs.


Contact Us

Regional Locations

Connect with us

Call Us Toll-Free at 833.522.0025


The Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC) is a statewide network funded in part through cooperative agreements with the U.S. Small Business Association, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Regional Hosts. The statewide host of the MI-SBDC network is the Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University. The Michigan SBDC is nationally accredited by the Association of SBDCs.

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